Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Magic Food

The one food I have found that radically increases my milk production is oatmeal. Not the Quaker oatmeal, either: baby oatmeal. Gerber oatmeal. When I eat two bowls of the stuff a day, my supply goes insane. That's why I usually stick with one; I am not out to be a milk machine, really.

One advantage of pumping is that you can really see, by ounces on the bottle, how much milk you are making at each pumping session. If your supply goes up (or down), you know immediately, and can take whatever steps you need to correct any problems.

I have read that sage and mint can actually decrease a woman's supply. I have not personally experienced this. I never eat sage, anyway; but I was popping York Peppermint Patties in my mouth constantly for two weeks straight during the first month, and never noticed my supply diminishing. Or maybe the oatmeal was counteracting the mint, I don't know.


Blogger Emily said...

How did you discover gerber oatmeal? I'm looking at ways to increase my supply and would like to try this. Can you tell me exactly which kind of gerber oatmeal you ate?

4:03 PM  

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